Finally you are taking home with you your new Puggle dog. After battling with what breed of dog you are going to bring home, it is now time to, again think, this time of the right Puggle Training Techniques.
Training your Puggle is not as difficult as it seems to be. All you need is a little bit of your patience and some techniques on how you are going to do it. Below are some tips dog owners must be aware of in order to properly train their adorable Puggles Emotional support dog training Houston.
It is important to consider the age of your puppy because his age will help determine his potty time. The amount of time between potty breaks should be equal to the puppy’s age in months plus one hour. So a three month old puppy should be taken outside for his potty break approximately every four hours. Exception to this is when your three month old puppy is doing his thing every three hours; therefore he should be taken outside every three hours instead of every four hours.
Bear in mind these two essential facts. Your puppy has to urinate when he starts sniffing around the floor and has to have his bowel movement when he starts walking around in circles. It is important that you will pay close attention to this behavior so that you will know the times when he will need to use the bathroom.
Establish where you want your puppy to eliminate. Take them to where you want them to do their thing and train them to use it consistently. If you want your puppy to eliminate outside, it helps if they are trained to follow the command “outside”.
There are two useful methods used once you’ve established the perfect spot for your Puggle to do his thing. The first one is the paper method. Cover the area with newspaper and once he starts to sniff and walk in circles, it is your responsibility to ensure that he does his business on the paper. The other one is the crate method. Remove him from his crate and take him to that perfect spot to do his thing. If nothing happens after like five minutes, bring him inside and give him food and water. Wait for about ten minutes and take him out again. Make sure to praise him as soon as he has done his thing. This will make him understand that you appreciate him thus he will gradually do what you want him to do, which is to eliminate at your specified spot.
Another important thing is to control your puppy’s feeding. Remember that most puppies eliminate after a few minutes they have finished eating. Once your puppy has moved from its bowl, immediately take him outside. Do not forget to praise him quickly.